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Change in Motion - Part 2

In the last blog post I discussed what were some elemnts that helped me shape and give life to my concept. In this post, I'll explain the process of actually creating it.

For the animated vector I used Illustrator to create the vectors, I used actual images of the different elements included in the project and I did the illustration by drawing on top of those images. Using the pen tool and filling each element with colour, I created the characters, the furniture, and the décor.

For the first part of the video, each element was created in a separate layer, but all of them were drawn and saved in the same file. The only elements that were drawn in separate files were the cat and the girl. Taking into consideration that they were going to have animation; each movement of the characters was drawn as an independent file. In the case of the second part of the video, each element was saved as a different file. This allowed me, when I imported it into After Effects, to create a composition in which element was introduced on its own.

The files were imported into After Effects. The two parts were created as different compositions and then they were merged into one video. This was done like this because both parts had different and independent elements and were going to have different effects.

The video was then exported into Premiere Pro where the audio was included. The audio was divided into 2 parts as well. The first part had a more literal audio, for example the keyboard, the snore of the cat and the voiceover of me explaining what was going on. The second part was more conceptual. This is why the music selected has a dramatic, exciting, strong and powerful vibe to it. I wanted to make the person watching the video feel happy and excited, the same feeling we get when we see our final idea come to life. Or the same feeling a client has when they see their project finalized (most of them).

The whole concept was very experimental and intuitive, I had an idea, but as I went through, researching the programs, understanding them and seeing what it could be done with the new ideas started to emerge. New concepts started to come to life. The general idea was always the same, show the process of a design, but the use of effects and the use of the audio was something I included in my concept as soon as I understood what I could do with both.

The final outcome was the following video:

This was one of the most fun and difficult tasks I have ever done. I would constantly tell my boyfriend and brother that I couldn’t believe it involved so much time either editing, reading, researching, or just thinking in the concept. At the end I’m very happy with the result. I know I have a lot of work ahead, but I feel I got the chance to experiment and learn many new things.


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